German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the German people have so long failed to capture how immigration changed their country and be familiar with the scenery more mosques in their cities, as one newspaper reported.

"Our country will change and integration is also a task for the people who picked up the immigrants," said Merkel told the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
"For years we deceive ourselves about this. Mosque, for example, would be a more important part in our cities than ever before," he said.
Thilo Sarrazin of the Bundesbank was the first person who touched the trigger debates about religion and integration. He believes the Turkish and Arab immigrants fail to integrate and flooded Germany with a higher birth rate.
Switzerland sparked international condemnation last year when it decided to ban the construction of the tower.
Disputes over religion has occurred in the United States over the last few weeks thanks to plans to build a center of Islamic culture in the location of the World Trade Center collapse.
Meanwhile, relations between Berlin and Paris disrupted this week by a dispute between Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy of France for the expulsion of migrant Roma.
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