Kamis, 16 September 2010

Works great Super Soybean Batan

Minister of Agriculture Suswono describe it as soy super: Varieties of soybean irradiated nuclear first named Pearl was done by researchers of the National Nuclear Energy Agency during the six years between 2004 and 2010.

"The research is following the market demands that require local soybean varieties, but large seeds such as soybean imports," said Harry Is Mulyana at the Center for Isotope and Radiation Technology Application (Patir) National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan), Jakarta.

Harry with Arwin, Tarmizi, Masrizal, and Muchlis Adie is a soybean researchers Pearl 1 which was launched as a high yielding varieties by the Minister of Agriculture Suswono on July 22, 2010. Description soy super Pearl 1 that is based on an average weight of 23.2 grams per 100 seeds. It's bigger than the United States imported soybeans are only about 18 grams per 100 seeds.

Gamma Irradiation

Harry said, Pearl 1 is the result of gamma ray irradiation. Iradiatornya owned called Gammacell-220. Penyinarannya capacity only for 1 kilogram of soybean seeds.

This is called nuclear irradiation, ie irradiation utilizing radioisotopes to change the nature of the chemical and physical properties that emit radioactive rays. The term is different irradiation with radiation. Radiation is the emission of radioactive rays in every direction uncertain, while the irradiation is radiation itself, which is directed at a specific focus.

"From 1 kilogram of soybean seeds that were irradiated in Gammacell-220 were then planted. Soybean seeds are mutated gene. Seeds are produced and then selected to get soy in accordance with the desired, "said Harry.

Gamma ray irradiation augmented genetic diversity. The effect generated in the first generation usually physical damage. In the second generation occurs segregation or genetic diversity of selection. Then begin to be mapped to obtain the desired properties.

According to Harry, Pearl 1 is the result of gene mutations in local soybean varieties Muria. Change the desired gene can not be obtained immediately. This is what takes a relatively long time until six years to get seed pearls 1 with the desired gene.

Pearl 1, in addition to large seed, also has the properties of the leaf rust disease resistance (Phakospora pachirhyzi Syd) and resistant to leaf blight disease or brown spots (Cercospora). Pearl 1 also shoot borer resistant (Melanagromyza sojae).

"Seed Pearl 1 before release to farmers should be stable. Stable meaning is not changed again the composition of genes. Usually until the fourth generation, "said Harry.

Soybean seeds after gamma disinar cobalt (Co) 60 for about 15 minutes with a dose of 150 gray it changes the composition of genes. This is as a seed nucleus. The seed core and then planted to produce foundation seed. Results obtained more foundation seed seed basis. Basic seed obtained from the principal seed. Then, from planting the seeds of this subject is obtained which is called the seed spread.

"The seeds of this spread are then certified Center of Supervision and Certification of Seeds for consumption as the seeds ready to be planted by farmers," said Harry.

There are at least four levels of seed breeding to get a pearl to be planted by farmers. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture Suswono Number 2602/Kpts/SR.120/7/2010 about the release of Mutant Lines of Soybean Varieties 37 MBB as Excellent by Name Pearl 1, age is relatively early maturing soybean planting.

With an average stem height 46.8 inches, soy Pearl 1 can be harvested at age approximately 82 days. At age 30 days, Pearl 1 is already flowering purple.

Soybean harvest is like a pearl with other local soybean varieties that have a protein content of 37.7 percent and 13.8 percent fat content. This is very suitable for the production know with very high yield of up to 373.3 percent. Also suitable for the production of tempeh with yield of 193.3 percent. Soybean local varieties are even more preferred taste for know-tempeh instead of imported soybean.

Continue to rise

Deputy Head of R & D Results Utilization and Correctional Nuclear Science and Technology Batan Taswanda Taryn said, the results of soybean is increasing. Previously been obtained soybean varieties Muria, Tengger, Meratus, Rajabasa, and Mitani irradiated by 60 Co gamma rays as well.

"The release of the first varieties of Moria in 1987. Last generated Pearl soybean varieties that have productivity 2.4 tons and 4.1 tons per hectare, "said Taswanda.

Varieties of Moria has a productivity of 1.8 tons per hectare with an excess of leaf rust disease resistance. Tengger varieties released in 1991 with a productivity of 1.4 tons to 1.7 tons per hectare.

Variety Meratus similar Tengger. Then step on Rajabasa varieties increased productivity ranged up to 3.9 tons 2.05 tons per hectare which was released in 2004. Seeds large, leaf rust disease resistance, and tolerant of dry soil and sour.

Followed in 2008 with the release of varieties Mitani. Figures productivity reached 2 tons to 3.2 tons per hectare. This variety is resistant to leaf rust disease, resistant to pests Aphis as a vector of viral diseases, as well as having a relatively high protein content.

From this Mitani generation followed generation Pearl 1. Pearl 1 has passed the test sites in 16 regions in Indonesia. One of them in West Nusa Tenggara that has been harvested on July 29, 2010. Now is the time farmers waited for the spread of soybean seed this super grain. Consumers await tofu and tempeh local soybean varieties.

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